Hello, I’m Bo Landress, MBA
Senior Event Strategist, ESN
Sharing the best practices discovered by managing over 8,400 events annually and $1.2 billion of total spend, helps make each of our representatives better resources for our customers. This allows us to help our customers discover emerging trends, benchmark destinations and venues, and validate precedents that can have notable impact on their events. We have the privilege of working with some very smart customers like you, which helps continuously accelerate everyone’s development. The end result is delivering more dollars to your bottom line. And thanks to the collective data and knowledge secured by contracting 4.6 million room nights annually, you can be confident you are receiving the optimum combination of rates, concessions, and terms every time.

“We learned about Maritz Global Events while looking for a new location for one of our events and it’s blossomed into a relationship akin to having extended our staff! They use their expertise to thoroughly investigate properties, provide timely follow-ups, negotiate contracts on our behalf, and provide candid and generous advice. Maritz Global Events has really taken the time and care to secure excellent locations and accommodations that are tailored to our needs and they continue to be a tremendous resource to our organization.”
Executive Director
National Nonprofit Educational Council
Family is most important to me. Jointly, I am proud to say my wife and I are successfully running what we affectionately call our “benevolent dictatorship” in the Landress household. (If that is at all confusing, Google it.) With book-end sons 10 years apart (college to elementary school) and my “One&Only” daughter in between, coupled with San Diego cost of living, I will indeed be working until I am a very old man. I love sports – more watching (Chargers, Dodgers, Redskins, LA Kings) and coaching (youth football/baseball) than playing these days; and I enjoy fishing and gardening in my spare time.
My Personal Statement
If you’re not growing, you’re dying.
My Contact Information
Address: 13955 Stowe Drive, Suite 211, San Diego, California, 92064
Phone: 858.486.1050
Email: bo.landress@maritzselect.com